Frog Hunt 1.0 is a game where you have to keep yourself alive.
Supposedly, your goal is to catch as many frogs as possible. Well, let me tell you, you´re not going to catch any frog.
The real goal of the game is to keep you wandering through the screen, trying to avoid to be killed under the weight of hordes of bouncing blue elephants.
The elephants will leave a trace behind them, the grass will disappear in the zones they landed.
You control your character through the cursor movement keys. After some time, brown frogs will appear on the screen. They´re not different from the others except by its color.
You´ll be rewarded with points for the time you survive, and the frogs you catch. Again, you won´t catch any frog, no matter how hard you try.
You will be warned every time you earn 100 point, a white bearded character will pop up announcing that in a loud voice.
As the authors say, this game must be taken as "an experiment in game design or as an example of what happens if you mess with the fundamental laws of gameplay".